Saturday, December 28, 2019

5 Big Differences in Job Searching Today

5 Big Differences in Job Searching Today5 Big Differences in Job Searching Today4If youre finding yourself job searching for the first time in a while, a number of typical job search components have probably changed. Here are five of the biggest differences between the job search of yesterday and job searching today.5 Big Difference in Job Searching Today1. Resumes and Cover Letters Arent Printed AnymoraMost organizations do not receive paper resumes anymore. Instead, they opt for a more efficient and organized way of doing things using e-mail and job application systems. What does that mean for you?ALWAYS expect your application materials to be read on a computer screen. Actually, now that Im typing this, its more possible than ever your documents are being viewed on a device (smartphone or tablet). This means you have to format your resume and cover letter in a way that makes screen-scanning easy. Really easy.Try using these writing techniquesMake sure there is plenty of white spac e on the pageKeep paragraphs shortUse headlines to break up contentUseboldanditalicsto emphasis key pointsUsecolortastefully, consider adding logos, icons or charts2. A Summary is PlentyThese days, the almighty resume is used mostly in the screening process while the REAL decisions are made after interviews. And because there are so many folks competing for each job, HR people (or hiring managers) often scan resumes for only a moment.In fact, the average time spent reading a resume is 30 seconds.The majority of resumes today are no longer than two pages but still include the expanded sections of yesterdays longer resumes. My advice? Keep it simple and remove that extra bullet point.3. Social Proof is MandatorySocial proof dramatically shrinks the perceived risk of you as a candidate. Examples of social proof are testimonials or recommendations.The biggest error a hiring manager can make is to hire the wrong person. This can cost a company a ton of money and ultimately put the hiring managers own job at risk. Ouch. Some report if a new-hire leaves within 90 days, it costs the organization one and half that persons annual salary. And with the economy as competitive as it is, you can understand why employers are so cautious.Set their mind at ease by offering endorsements on your resume and LinkedIn profile. A good rule of thumb is to have the number of recommendations equal to 10% of the number of contacts in your LinkedIn network.4. Genuine Interaction First, Resumes SecondResumes arent really used as introductory documents anymore. Fresh connections will often ask for your resume AFTER the introduction is made which means your first impression is more vital than a silly ol resume.And if an introduction is made online, your digital profiles (LinkedIn, Twitter, etc.) offer a better window to your professionalism than a resume. So shift your priorities from, Oh crap, I have to get my finish my resume to, Oh crap, where can I meet some more people today? or Oh crap , how can I look better online.Theres a reason over 80% of jobs are landed through networking. Alter your strategy, today.5. Google Trumps Your Resume, Every TimeRecruiters are now using more affordable ways to find talent Google and LinkedIn. Spending cash on job-board and talent databases are no longer the primary strategy. In fact, the majority of companies are even requiring every new application go through a Google screening process. That means the first page of your Google results matter much more than ever before.But, heres the schwierigkeitThe items Google delivers on search results for your name are very difficult to control. After all, background checks are carefully regulated in order to avoid the types of misunderstandings happening online these days.Besides, Googles algorithm changes several times a year. So what can you do about it?Well, the last thing you should do is ignore this reality. As a job seeker, you have two courses of action.First, you become a publisher of original content and overflow Googles spiders with lots of great keyword-rich content.Second, you control the results on a Google search members receive a free 60 day trial of Vizibility Premier Regular price is $2.95/month. This information is an excerpt from my new book,Job Searching With Social Media for Dummies.Do all these differences make sense? What are your tips for job searching today? Leave your comments and questions below.

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